少年们的退修会:敬拜,反思,培养团队协同合作能力 Retreat: to worship, reflect, and cultivate collaborative spirit among children.
职青团契的退修会。 Galveston, 盛产螃蟹,你懂的。Retreat in Galveston. Time to catch and share crabs.
职青团契赶赴弟兄姐妹家献上生日祝福和美丽的蛋糕 Fellowship of Professionals celebrated the brother and sister’s birthday with homemade cakes. Yummy!
美食一顿来欢迎新同工的加入 Welcome the new co-workers to the church with Chinese food
老弟兄和姐妹们为中秋节制作月饼Seniors make mooncakes to be shared on Mid-Autumn Festival
三款不同的蛋糕有一个共同的主题:在主里面分享爱和美食 Beautiful cakes of different styles are calling us to share them with each other in God's love.
后勤组弟兄姐妹为2023中秋聚会做最后准备 Preparation for the Mid-Autumn Festival gathering
丰收的季节是分享稀罕蔬菜的季节。中国特色的蔬菜,很抢手。Harvest time is also the opportunity to distribute vegetables that are not common in the US.
没有什么是火锅不能解决的,一顿不行就两顿. Everyone’s favorite food: Chinese hotpot
分享就是爱 Sharing is Love
教会弟兄篮球队. Church basketball team, you are the best! Go, go, go!
荣耀冠冕组的爷爷奶奶们打太极 Grandpas and grandmas are practicing Taiji, Chinese Kongfu
弟兄们们自豪展示父亲节礼物. They are proudly exhibiting the presents they got for the Father's Day.
2023中秋音乐敬拜 The 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival Worship Concert