Our History
In December, 1993, a group of new Christians, led by the evangelist Brother Tuan, travelled to Baylor University from UT Austin and established a monthly evangelistic fellowship on Baylor campus. Before long, the outreach program began to bear fruit. In late 1994, the new Chinese Christians at Baylor started their Sunday worship in an apartment near campus. By early Spring of 1995, with the support from Pastor Randy Hughes and his congregation, the group relocated to our current location at Emmanuel Baptist Church (EBC). Thanks to the steadfast love and blessings from the saints at EBC, the ministry has been saving souls and shaping lives for the past 25 years, growing from about 10 regular attendants to over 100. Scores of people have come to the Lord at this church and called it their spiritual “birthplace”, and a home away from home. Among them many went on to serve the Lord in the mission fields, churches, and various other Christian ministries.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Peter 2:9)