弟兄姐妹们平安!在这个万物又开始萌芽,生长的季节里,我们纪念主的复活带给我们生命❤️。同时,我们也邀请弟兄姐妹们,不分年龄,不分平时聚会的小组,3月30号(周六)早上9点半到下午1点半,一起来Woodway Park 2 (Lakeside - 2025 Estates Drive),团契,运动,认识彼此,享受神的创造。

Brothers and sisters, may peace be with you! As we enter this season of growth, we joyfully celebrate the resurrection of the Lord for he brings us life ❤️. We warmly extend an invitation to all, to come together on Saturday, March 30th, 9:30 AM at Woodway Park 2 (Lakeside - 2025 Estates Drive), for fellowship, activities, worship, and reveling in the beauty of God's creation.


9:30-9:55 AM 交流,手工 Fellowship, Craft

10:00-10:15 AM 敬拜 Worship

10:20-10:35 AM 分组,游戏介绍 Opening

10:40 AM -12:30 PM 游戏!!!Games

12:35 - 12:45 PM 颁奖 Awards

12:50 - 1:30 PM 午餐 Lunch


讲员: 高弟兄

